Tuesday, April 17, 2018

New Arrivals

Well I wasn't expecting to post again so soon after my most recent post, but my order from BeHappy arrived today. I found out about this place on the collector's forum and was excited to see that they had all of the easy buy families and that they were on sale. I had only seen a few of them on eBay and they were pretty expensive. Shipping was kind of high but with the discount I got two families for about the price of one family on eBay so it was definitely a fortunate find. The link to BeHappy is this pay very close attention, do not leave off the .my otherwise you are going end up at a website that you absolutely do not want to be at, as I found out when my brother wanted to look at it: http://www.behappy.com.my/store/

Anyway, I picked up the Ocher rabbits and the Maple Dogs and I'm very excited because I will get to name them because I am not aware of any established family names for them.

The ocher rabbits are interesting because I could tell that they were a darker color than the Periwinkle rabbits and I had gotten a Mack Periwinkle that did not match the other Periwinkle family members. It bothered me so much that I ended up buying another Mack Periwinkle but also included the Grandmother this time. It kind of seems like my odd colored Mack Periwinkle is a bit closer in color to the ocher rabbits, so I may make him the Ocher rabbit grandfather. I couldn't really get a good picture of the ocher rabbits compared to Mack where they looked exactly the same but when I look at them they pretty much look like the same shade.

If you had trouble reading my previous post, I did fix the font size on that. I don't know what happened when I posted it and it was quite a headache to fix it but I fixed it and hope no other entries shrink like that. I'm still not organizing my apartment because i am still fighting off a cold but hopefully I will be better by this weekend and can make some progress.

Happy Collectiong!

~Kim~ aka Blossom Timbertop


  1. The colour variation on your bunnies is quite interesting. I have a few differences in my Periwinkles, but none of them are as close to my Ocher bunnies as yours. It seems like your Ochers are a much lighter shade than mine!

    1. It's funny that you mention that because my ocher bunnies are lighter than I was expecting them to be. They looked so much darker in the picture on the website I bought them from.
