So my orders from Japan have arrived. Thankfully my Tanuki girl arrived and now I can say that I got one of my holy grail items! Her clothes are interesting. It’s to the traditional girl outfit and I’ve recently seen some oddly dressed Sylvanans show up on eBay in older looking Japanese packaging. I’m not sure what to name her yet but I want to do something Japanese since Tanuki are so uniquely Japanese. Or I might make a play off to Tom Nook from Animal Crossing and have her last name be Nook and do Tammy Nook because my brother said Tom Nook is a play off of Tanuki and he’s a Tanuki. But we’ll see. I also got my starry sky cats and pandas.. I was hoping to do a valetntine’s scene I had in my head but I didn’t get to it in time. It involved the vintage tree house from the 80s and I am having trouble locating the roof but I will get to it as soon as I am able.